Events, courses, networking…

Your state writing centre, local writing groups (often found at libraries) and also your local bookstores often have great opportunities for courses and networking. In Brisbane, QWC, Brisbane Libraries and bookstores such as Avid Reader Bookshop, Riverbend Books and...

Launches, workshops and conversations…

So much coming up for the second half of the year. The 2018 winner of the Glendower Award for an Emerging Author at the Queensland Literary Awards, Melanie Myers, will launch her debut novel MEET ME AT LENNON’S at Avid Reader on 18 September. I’ll also be...

Are you an Avid Reader?

Avid Reader Bookstore in West End is always searching for new ways to support avid readers and avid writers. From 13 May, you can now attend The Office at Avid and for a mere $5, enjoy a quiet workspace surrounded by books and other writers, unlimited tea and coffee...

Get involved in your writing community!

What a busy start to the year it’s been, and so many great events to come. Get involved and support authors by attending events at your local bookstore – a great way to meet other book-lovers too! I’m excited to launch Tabitha Bird’s debut...

Workshop change of date / Author talks

Due to an unavoidable date clash, QWC has changed the workshop The End is Only the Beginning to Saturday, 27 April from 2pm to 5pm (changed from 6 April). Apologies to anyone who had already booked. I hope you are able to make the new date. The events calendar on the...

Holiday greetings

Wishing all readers and writers a peaceful, safe and happy holiday time. I hope you enjoy special moments with friends and family. I’m looking forward to sharing some great reading recommendations with you in 2019!