The holiday season is upon us and I wish everyone a safe and peaceful Christmas, a relaxing break, and an enthusiastic start to the new year. Books are the best Christmas presents so my advice, you’re welcome, is to have a small stash of signed books from different genres wrapped and ready for that guest who arrives with an unexpected gift! Instead of searching for an unopened box of chocolates or bottle of wine, you will have a great book gift ready to go. Choose a selection from crime, literary, poetry, romance, YA, picture book, sci-fi or spec-fic, non-fiction, memoir or historical fiction and you will have every possible book lover covered. Check out my recommendations under ‘WHAT AM I READING?’ for some ideas.

Events are coming to a close for the year but do keep checking the Avid Reader website along with other bookshops to see what is happening when. And the new year is sure to be packed full of opportunities to meet your favourite authors and join them in conversation about their work.

I look forward to seeing you soon! Happy reading and writing, everyone. X